Our system is all about getting the sheep to do the work with minimal ‘shepherd’ interference. Low cost and low labour input, our aim is to make everything easier for ourselves and for the sheep.
Romneys are excellent sheep to work with, efficient at converting grass of any quality into high quality meat and wool with minimum wastage. They are vigorous and have a constantly high lambing percentage, as well as fast growth with potential for medium and heavy lamb production and a massive genetic pool that is always improving and readily available across the UK and Europe.

The Viewfield Romney
We first imported 40 gimmers and four shearling rams in the 1990s from the Marshall Romney Development Group in New Zealand.
The Viewfield Romney has a number of desirable traits, including high lambing percentage, excellent mothering ability, high quality wool, excellent feet and mouths, and require low human intervention (all year round).
Traits & Characteristics

Easy to Work With
A good natured breed, Romneys are easy to work with and move well. This means that they run well when they need to come in at certain times of year, such as shearing or dosing.

Strong Mothering Instinct
A good mothering instinct is essential for the type of system we run, as we aim to be involved in less than 1% of lambings, so we know we can rely on the ewes to get on with the job.

A vigorous, hardy breed, Romneys are known for their survivability. This is critical in a system such as ours where we aim to be as hands-off as possible.

High Milking Ability
Good milking ability is essential for healthy, strong lambs. We invest a lot of time in our pasture and our ewes convert that to good quality milk.

Consistently High Lambing Percentage
We aim for a scanning percentage of 175% with a view to lambing at 155% and over the years we have worked to ensure a consistently high lambing percentage.

Good Feet
Having good feet is a key element to the Romney breed. This allows them to be free moving, ensuring they can graze and get the nutrients they need.
The Farming Year
To give you the detail of how our management system works we’ve created a management calendar for you to have a look at.

The Farm
We run 2,800 Romney ewes, 1,000 hoggets and 100 Luing cows on our 2,500 acre grass/hill farm.